Congratulations Quynh! Welcome Mac Thi Phuong!

Congratulations to Quynh, Wynyard Park’s first KOTO trainee. Last November, Quynh graduated from the brilliant KOTO training program and is now a fully qualified hospitality professional. 


 KOTO is an inspiring not-for-profit social enterprise that helps street kids in Vietnam. Through a two-year training program, KOTO equips disadvantaged youth with all the skills they need to work in hotels and restaurants. Graduates of KOTO are highly valued in the hospitality industry. Many have gone on to work in 5-star hotels and restaurants in Vietnam, Dubai and other places around the world.

KOTO was founded by Vietnamese-Australian Jimmy Pham. He wanted to empower street and disadvantaged youth to find jobs and secure their own futures. So far, KOTO has trained over seven hundred graduates, one hundred per cent of whom have gone on to find jobs.

Put simply, KOTO changes lives.

Jimmy Pham believes that's because KOTO is not just a project. Its a family where each member feels cared for and safe. KOTO s model prioritises meeting basic human needs - belonging, a nurturing environment, physical wellbeing, a sense of order and meaning. Then they provide their trainees with opportunities to develop self-esteem, learn new skills, and give back to the community. KOTO takes a young person on a journey from the chaos of poverty to a world of order and possibility. A place where they can stand on their own two feet and live life with skills, dignity and pride. 

Mac Thi Phuong

KOTO aligns perfectly with Wynyard Park's philosophy - to maximise opportunity as well as minimise suffering

We are delighted to be sponsoring another KOTO trainee - Mac Thi Phuong. Phuong completed Grade 12 but was unable to find work. Her father died in a traffic accident leaving her mother to support her and her younger brother. Phuong’s mother sells farming produce at the local market but they struggle to get by.

Phuong loves the colour blue and autumn. She likes reading books and she loves cooking. At KOTO, Phuong will build on that love by specialising in the kitchen.

Phuong has been described as ‘highly emotionally intelligent, empathetic and aware of others.’

‘I appreciate what I have: a family in my hometown, a family which is KOTO, a chance to change my life,’ says Phuong, ‘Forget the miserable times but never forget what they taught you.’

We have a feeling Phuong is going to thrive at KOTO!