Why decisions made during your ‘transition to retirement’ are life changing

Why decisions made during your ‘transition to retirement’ are life changing

The decisions you make when you are transitioning into retirement can be the most telling for financial security throughout your golden years. Why? Your accumulated savings pool is likely to be highest in the years nearing retirement – and just after you retire. Investment decisions made at this time can greatly impact your income down the track.

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Sorry, but your biggest investing problem may be you

Sorry, but your biggest investing problem may be you

Every day we make numerous judgements and decisions. As the human brain has evolved it’s developed little short-cuts, or ‘heuristics’. These mental pathways circumvent multi-stage decisions and allow us to make judgements quickly and efficiently. While heuristics are helpful and allow us to function without stopping to think about our next action, they can – and do – lead to cognitive biases. These biases sometimes trip us up leading to bad judgements and poor decisions.

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The private equity opportunity: public companies are only the tip of the iceberg

The private equity opportunity: public companies are only the tip of the iceberg

Private equity typically involves taking an ownership interest in a private business or asset. It includes a broad range of longer-term and company specific exposures which, because they are not listed on a public market, tend to exhibit somewhat lower correlation to traditional stock and bond markets. Private equity managers seek to generate superior returns through taking an active role in monitoring and advising companies through restructuring, refocusing and revitalising tactics in order to sell the investment at a profit.

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Life insurance implication for primary carers: What you can do to ensure that, when the work stops, the benefits do not

The birth or adoption of a child can be a wonderfully life-changing time in someone’s life. With parental responsibility comes a potential change in finances for the growing household. As such, it makes sense to understand what’s happening and what information new parents should know when it comes to their finances.

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