Investment options in retirement explained

Getting the balance right between a safe spending rate and having enough income to enjoy retirement takes some careful planning. Investing for a reasonable return is one approach to helping your savings go the distance.

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Market volatility and how it is affecting your super

Market volatility and how it is affecting your super

In recent weeks, investment markets around the world have continued to experience significant volatility as investors try to assess the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – an event that no-one anticipated for 2020. If your super is invested in the Australian and/or international share markets, it’s likely you would have been affected by this.

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What can retirees do about longevity risk?

What can retirees do about longevity risk?

A recent National Seniors Australia report highlights that the majority of older Australians worry about outliving their savings. Much of this concern is driven by the fact that most retirees and pre-retirees don’t know how long they will live. As a result, they don’t know how long they need their savings to last and many under-spend because of this fear of running out. This fear can be alleviated with a good plan for retirement income.

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How to be a human be-ing, not a human do-ing

How to be a human be-ing, not a human do-ing

We are so busy in our lives today. Decisions are made instantaneously, but knee-jerk reactions are often the wrong course of action. Taking the time to evaluate a situation can lead to a more informed decision and a better result in the long term. We are human be-ings not human do-ings; we don’t always need to be active and taking immediate action.

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Why decisions made during your ‘transition to retirement’ are life changing

Why decisions made during your ‘transition to retirement’ are life changing

The decisions you make when you are transitioning into retirement can be the most telling for financial security throughout your golden years. Why? Your accumulated savings pool is likely to be highest in the years nearing retirement – and just after you retire. Investment decisions made at this time can greatly impact your income down the track.

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Sorry, but your biggest investing problem may be you

Sorry, but your biggest investing problem may be you

Every day we make numerous judgements and decisions. As the human brain has evolved it’s developed little short-cuts, or ‘heuristics’. These mental pathways circumvent multi-stage decisions and allow us to make judgements quickly and efficiently. While heuristics are helpful and allow us to function without stopping to think about our next action, they can – and do – lead to cognitive biases. These biases sometimes trip us up leading to bad judgements and poor decisions.

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The private equity opportunity: public companies are only the tip of the iceberg

The private equity opportunity: public companies are only the tip of the iceberg

Private equity typically involves taking an ownership interest in a private business or asset. It includes a broad range of longer-term and company specific exposures which, because they are not listed on a public market, tend to exhibit somewhat lower correlation to traditional stock and bond markets. Private equity managers seek to generate superior returns through taking an active role in monitoring and advising companies through restructuring, refocusing and revitalising tactics in order to sell the investment at a profit.

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