2017 market outlook

2017 market outlook

Last year, 2016, will be remembered for its political upsets – Brexit, the rise of populism in Europe, and the election of Donald Trump – but also the year that we stopped talking about deflation, yields on government bonds rose and investor spirits were reignited. Because of this, there is a new equation for investors; one where better growth plus a bit more inflation adds up to a change in approach to fixed income and the share market.

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Trust your strategic plan but keep some powder dry

Trust your strategic plan but keep some powder dry

Oliver Cromwell, in the opening battle of the English civil war in 1642, is reported to have told his Roundhead troops, “Put your trust in God, my boys, but keep your powder dry.” Or in today’s common application, “Keep calm and take precautions so you can ‘let rip’ when the opportunity presents itself.”

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Property and diversified portfolio

Property and diversified portfolio

Diversification is the standard tactic employed to reduce the total risk of your investment portfolio. By spreading your investment risk across different asset classes, geographic markets, time periods, fund managers and shares, losses should be isolated to independent asset classes and ideally, can be offset by gains on other assets.

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